First of all, it is worth noting that proper nutrition and diet are completely different concepts. If you can sit on one for at least a lifetime, staying slim and healthy, the other, when misused, will strike both the position and the figure (due to the so-called overcompensation of weight, which inevitably occurs after any rapid weight loss). Any doctor will confirm that diets should only be considered for medical reasons, such as before surgery or during treatment. If you are not convinced by these arguments and you really want to be the star of the New Year celebration, read on.
Buckwheat diet for weight loss is one of the many mono-food systems that do not require you to limit the size of portions consumed, but intend to eat only one, a maximum of two dishes. The effectiveness and safety of the method have not been clinically proven, so many nutritionists, doctors and athletes dispute its benefits to the body. However, the system also has enough fans. The diet only works because of the low calorie content of cereals. Some diet lovers even claim that by diluting buckwheat with kefir, you can safely give up other products.
Power scheme
The essence of such a diet is extremely simple: for one or two weeks, but not longer, for all meals, including snacks - a specially prepared buckwheat mass. The groats should be washed thoroughly and "steamed", that is, sprinkled with boiling water and left for five to six hours. Buckwheat is usually prepared in the evening. The resulting mass is consumed in small portions of about five or six doses. It is not possible to prepare, add sugar, salt and other flavor enhancers. But water and green tea - in unlimited quantities, as well as kefir with a low percentage of fat, but not more than a liter per day.
If you manage to eat one buckwheat for a whole week, experts strongly recommend diluting the meager menu with other products. It is already dangerous to continue such a diet for more than fourteen days, it is better to just switch to a proper diet and try to maintain the result.
The heavy version of the diet involves eating only buckwheat with kefir or alone. But there is also a lenient regime that allows you to consume some vegetables, fruits and milk. Such a diet is definitely healthier and more complete. Buckwheat diet for weight loss for 7 days looks something like this:

kefir, 100 grams of buckwheat (steamed), cucumbers;
200 grams of buckwheat, 200 grams of vegetable salad with a spoon of olive oil;
kefir, 100 grams of buckwheat, 100 grams of steamed vegetables.
120 grams of buckwheat, green tea;
kefir, apple or orange;
100 grams of steamed chicken breast, 130 grams of buckwheat, 50 grams of fresh vegetables;
150 grams of buckwheat, kefir.
140 grams of buckwheat, natural yogurt without sweeteners;
low-fat cheese - 25 grams, buckwheat with vegetable stew - 200 grams;
kefir and buckwheat (about 150 grams).
140 grams of buckwheat, boiled chicken egg;
An Apple;
low-fat cottage cheese up to 5% - 120 grams, 100 grams of fresh vegetable salad, 120 grams of buckwheat;
kefir and buckwheat (about 150 grams).
on Friday
bread with cereals - 1 slice, 180 grams of buckwheat;
1 boiled beet;
100 grams of chicken fillets and 150 grams of buckwheat;
kefir and buckwheat (about 150 grams).
on Saturday
120 grams of cottage cheese, 120 grams of buckwheat, boiled egg;
100 grams of fresh vegetable salad, 120 grams of buckwheat, 100 grams of steamed fish fillets;
kefir and buckwheat (about 150 grams).
120 grams of natural yogurt without sweeteners, 150 grams of buckwheat;
80 grams of steamed chicken fillets, fresh cucumber, 120 grams of buckwheat;
kefir and buckwheat (about 150 grams).
Advantages and disadvantages
When other products are added, fresh food with one product becomes more or less correct. One of the advantages of the method is the rather rapid loss of kilograms due to the low caloric content of cereals and the relatively low health risk compared to other monodiats. Buckwheat is still useful for hair and nails, and is rich in nutrients and fiber that help cleanse the intestines. Theoretically, there will be no physiological feeling of hunger, because the amount of buckwheat is unlimited. What can not be said about the psychological desire for something sweet, salty or even at least some other product. After all, at first glance, 14 days seems like a small interval. When you allow one product to eat, time goes on indefinitely! Plus one point: if your body has a muscle corset that you don't want to lose, you shouldn't resort to the buckwheat method because the menu doesn't provide the right amount of protein to "feed the muscles, " which means. can simply "burn out" and significantly reduce the volume.
Who shouldn't try
Buckwheat diet is definitely not suitable for pregnant women, during lactation, minors, as well as adults who have problems with the stomach, intestines or nervous system. The list of contraindications to this weight loss method also includes diagnoses of diabetes and hypertension. The most common side effects that can occur in an experimenter are headaches, weakness, distraction, and reduced performance. This is due to a lack of glucose and several substances needed by the body due to malnutrition.
It is worth leaving the diet very carefully, remembering that a quick return to the previous diet will inevitably lead to supercompensation, and the lost centimeters will return with a few more. That is why we are returning to the usual menu, gradually introducing new steamed and oven-prepared dishes, as well as protein-rich dishes. We remember sweet, fried, canned, starchy and other dishes only on holidays.
Again, by eating one meal for a long time and avoiding different foods, the body does not get many of the nutrients it needs to function properly. Before reducing the menu to buckwheat and kefir, it is better to discuss the experiment with your doctor.
An alternative to the buckwheat diet

Buckwheat diet is not magic, suddenly getting rid of unnecessary amounts, it is quite a severe food restriction. And the secret is simple: if an ordinary person needs to eat at least 1800 kcal a day, a diet of 1, 500 kcal, obtained on average using only steamed buckwheat and kefir, will cause the body to expend its reserves of body fat. But such a calorie deficit can be caused not only with buckwheat, but also with other, different products!
It turns out that you do not have to torment yourself with one product, when you can eat delicious and lose weight at the same time. After all, any monodiet is full of collapses (in simple words - "gluts"), and, of course, after such an experiment, you will definitely stop loving buckwheat. And finally - some reviews of buckwheat diet from women who have experienced this method themselves:
- "With the help of this diet, I lost 8 kg in 10 days! I was satisfied. I felt great all day. There was no weakness, my bowel normalized. I became confident. It turns out that I am not as insane as I think. "
- "Not only did I lose 6 kg a week, but my skin was cleansed a bit, because buckwheat still helps to remove toxins from the body.
- "The secret of the diet is that you do not feel hungry: think only of buckwheat - immediately begin to feel bad. At first I eat normally, but half as much as I should, because, well, it is not possible.
- "When I started the diet, I was sure I would deal with it, and I ran without noticing for two weeks. But how wrong I was! It is simply not possible to work sitting on the buckwheat alone: chicken It got a lot easier and the weight started to go away pretty quickly. Now I'm getting to know PP because I want to lose weight without falling asleep at work. "
- "If you persevere, the diet will appear on the best side. All the other members of the family had a very hard time cooking, wanted normal food. Three kilograms are gone, I'm glad, but now I turn the buckwheat back. "